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3 keys to teaching writing to kids.

What’s the best way to teach writing? The experts have many answers — and they often contradict each other.

In contrast to the thousands of studies on effective methods for teaching reading and mathematics, there are relatively few rigorous studies on writing instruction. That’s partly because it’s time-consuming and expensive to assess writing quality in a way that can be quantitatively measured. Commonly, researchers come up with an eight-point scale. They write descriptions and sample essays to show what each score involves. Then they train teams of graders to score properly and consistently. But writing quality is ultimately a subjective judgment. What you consider to be well-written, I might not.

Steve Graham, a professor of education at Arizona State University, has made a career out of monitoring research studies on teaching writing, to figure out which methods actually work. For a forthcoming article*, Graham and two colleagues, Karen Harris of ASU andTanya Santangelo of Arcadia University, looked at approximately 250 of the most prominent studies on how to teach writing to students from kindergarten through 12th grade.

Graham’s review of the research doesn’t resolve the age-old debate of whether students learn writing best naturally — just by doing it — or through explicit writing instruction.

But there are effective practices where the research is unequivocal. Distressingly, many teachers aren’t using them. “We have confirmation of things we know that work, but are not applied in the classroom,” said Graham.

Here are three:

1. Spend more time writing: To teach kids to write well, you need to ask them to write a lot. You’re not going to become a great basketball player unless you play a lot of basketball. The evidence is strong that this is true for writing too. Five studies of exceptional literacy teachers found that great teachers ask their students to write frequently. In nine separate experiments with students, 15 additional minutes of writing time a day in grades two through eight produced better writing. Seventy-eight percent of studies testing the impact of extra writing found that student’s writing quality improved.

Several studies found unexpected bonuses from extra writing time. Not only did writing quality improve, so did reading comprehension. Another cluster of studies proved that writing improves a students’ mastery of the subject; the act of writing helps you learn. (Another reason for teachers to refrain from spoon-feeding printed notes to students.)

However, surveys of U.S. teachers reveal that after third grade, very little time is spent writing in classrooms. In fourth through sixth grade, on average, 20-25 minutes a day is spent on writing, according to Graham. Writing assignments rarely extend beyond a page; sometimes they’re not more than a paragraph. This is what teachers self-report, and if anything they’re probably overstating how much writing they’re asking of students.

In a 2011 survey of classroom writing instruction, “A Snapshot of Writing Instruction in Middle Schools and High Schools,” published in English Journal, Arthur Applebee and Judith Langer at SUNY Albany found that U.S. students were expected to write only a total of 1.6 pages of extended prose for English a week, and another 2.1 pages for all their other subjects combined. Applebee and Langer also observed classrooms across the four core subjects (English, science, math and social science/history) and found that, on average, only 7.7 percent of classroom time was devoted to writing a paragraph or more. Applebee and Langer called that “distressingly low.”

Why so little writing? Graham hypothesizes that many English language arts teachers are more passionate about literature than teaching writing. But in surveys teachers often say they don’t assign more writing because they don’t have the time to read and provide feedback on frequent long assignments. I can sympathize with a high school English teacher who has 37 kids in her class.

One could argue that fewer high quality writing assignments might be better than a bunch of low quality ones. But again, the teacher surveys and classroom observations reveal that students are more commonly asked to write summaries. “We don’t see a high level of writing activities that involve analysis and interpretation,” said Graham. “We’re not seeing development of skills you need for college and the workplace.”

Common Core may change things, as the standards ask for more writing and analysis, not just in English class but also in the social sciences, hard sciences and math.

It’s unclear what the ideal amount of time for writing is. Graham, who wrote a teachers’ guide of evidence-based techniques for teaching writing for the What Works Clearinghouse unit of the Department of Education, recommends one hour a day. He admits he doesn’t have research to substantiate that number. But he may be onto something: When Poland increased its language arts classes to more than four hours a week for each student, its scores on international tests began to soar.

2. Write on a computer: In 83 percent of 30 studies on the use of word processing software, students’ writing quality improved when they wrote their papers on a computer instead of writing by hand. The impact was largest for middle school students, but younger students benefited, too. The theory is that students feel more free to edit their sentences because it’s so easy to delete, add and move text on a computer. The more editing, the better the final essay.

I was concerned about how these experiments were constructed. Could graders have been more biased toward these word-processor essays because typed fonts are more legible than hand-written ones? In most cases, the hand-written essays were retyped first before the graders scored them. So graders had no idea which essays had been drafted by computer and which by hand, and still the word-processor essays were rated higher.

It’s also possible that the spell checkers and grammar checkers that are sometimes bundled with word processing software enable students to submit cleaner drafts, which are perceived to be of higher quality.

Some educators feel passionately about the importance of writing by hand, convinced that the act of writing neurologically imprints stronger memories. And there’s some early evidence that note taking might be more effective by hand. But if your goal is writing quality and not memorization, it seems the evidence points to word processing, especially beginning in middle school.

Another benefit for educators who believe that students should write not just for teachers: computerized text files are easier to share with classmates, providing more opportunity for a real audience and feedback.

Despite this evidence, teacher observations and surveys reveal that teachers have been slow to adopt this basic technology. In Arthur Applebee and Judith Langer’s observations, students used word processing software in only 5.1 percent of the classes. Separate 2008 and 2010 surveys by Graham show that “too many schools still use pencil and paper as the primary or only writing medium,” he wrote.

3. Grammar instruction doesn’t work: Traditional grammar instruction isn’t effective. Period. Six studies with children in grades three to seven showed that writing quality actually deteriorated when kids were taught grammar. That is, graders scored the essays of students who’d been taught traditional grammar lower than those of students who had not received the lessons.

Three studies did show that teaching kids how to combine two simple sentences into a single complex sentence was beneficial. (As a writer, I find that baffling as I am always trying to shorten my sentences! That makes me question the judgment of the essay graders.)

But traditional grammar — diagramming sentences or teaching grammar rules — didn’t help. Graham suspects that’s because grammar lessons often feel disconnected from actual writing. Graham found one study that showed great improvement in student writing quality when teachers modeled correct usage, showing how to use grammar rules in sentences that students were drafting. But not many experimental studies are looking at effective procedures for teaching grammar.

In this case, classroom practice isn’t totally at odds with the research. Grammar instruction has declined in U.S. classrooms over the last 40 years. But that might be because there isn’t much writing instruction going on at all.

* “Research-Based Practices and the Common Core: Meta-Analysis and Meta Synthesis,” (in press for The Elementary School Journal)

Posted in Writing Workshop

Writing Philosophy

As a future educator of, hopefully, a fourth or fifth grade classroom and an individual who has always been more drawn to the subjects of reading and writing more than anything else in my own education, I feel a little more pressure when it comes to teaching the subject in the classroom because of my desire to get it right.  My most challenging but important task in teaching writing is to implement a daily writing workshop in my classroom schedule.  I believe one of the most important characteristics of a writer is to get into the habit of writing and that this cannot be done with a writer’s workshop that is only once or twice a week.  Conferencing is a must because writer’s workshop must include some type of feedback system that provides specific, celebratory, and constructive feedback.  It is an important part of both building confidence and advancing as individual writers.  Hopefully as the year goes on, I can entrust the students enough to incorporate peer conferencing.

Another aspect of writer’s workshop that cannot be overlooked is the importance of allowing students choice—choice in what they write, how they write it, and where.  Prompts will be suggested to those having a difficult time thinking of a topic of their own, but I want to give the students as many opportunities as possible to feel a sense of ownership and having voice in their writing.  When it comes to how I want my students to write, I would like to offer my students the option of either getting their words on paper with a pencil or typing their writing—especially for those who have a particularly difficult time writing with pencil and and paper.  I also want to offer my students a variety of different seating options around the classroom during this time as long as they understand the expectation to write.  It is similar to what one would see during a reading workshop where, oftentimes, students are allowed to choose any spot in the room where they feel they can focus on their reading best.  I believe that this same concept can be translated to apply to writer’s workshops as well.

I certainly do not want writing to be limited to only one part of the day but also a tool for inquiry in all subjects because not only is this an expectation as far as standards go but it also forces each student to reflect and communicate their own understanding.  I want my students to write fictional stories based on and opinion pieces about real historical event, current events, and scientific phenomena.  I also want students to use writing as an opportunity to reflect on how their own lives connect to various topics being discussed across subject matter.  While written artifacts of learning will not be the only acceptable form of assessment in my classroom, it will always be a choice for my students.

Ultimately, I would like to create a positive classroom environment in which students can feel safe in expressing themselves through writing.  I want to create not only exceptional writers but also a community of writers in which students learn how to respect each other’s work and opinions.  I understand that this will require expectations to be explicitly and repeatedly stated in the beginning, but these expectations will be heavily tied to the overall classroom norms that the students will all have a part in contributing to in a democratic process.  It is the responsibility of the teacher to maintain a level of consistency, structure, and organization in the classroom so that the students can sense stability and feel comfortable in roaming more freely within the set boundaries.

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Interactive Writing

Originally developed in 1989 by Charlotte Huck

These days, one of the most important texts is Interactive Writing: How Language and LIteracy Come Together, K-2
Written by Andrea McCarrier, Gay Su Pinnell and Irene C. Fountas Heinemann, 1999

Young children are eager to write, but…

…sometimes their interpretations and expression of letters and words need guidance–we have to help them find ways to move beyond approximation.

  • Notice the details of written language
  • Understand that language conventions not only help them as writers but also help their readers to understand
  • Participate, with support, in the act of writing

How does it work?

  • Teacher is guide and (usually) scribe
  • Students are “apprentices”

The teacher and children negotiate the meaning and structure of the text as they compose a message together.

How do I use it?

Within a rich literary curriculum, children will have a variety of experiences with literacy.  Interactive writing is a key piece of these experiences because it…

  • Can be used for many different purposes
  • Can be used at any time of day and in any content area
  • Provides a context within which the teacher can offer explicit instruction in conceptualizing text, using language conventions, and learning how words work

What are the key features of interactive writing?

  1. Group children based on learning goals
  2. Write for authentic, real-life purposes
  3. Share the task of writing
  4. Use conversation to support the process
  5. Create a common text
  6. Use the conventions of written language
  7. Make letter-sound connections
  8. Connect reading and writing
  9. Teach explicitly

Interactive writing requires a base of active learning experiences

some knowledge is personal ( children bring experience from their lives); some knowledge is gained through shared experience in the classroom (a field trip, a parent visitor, a fire drill, a thank-you note, etc.); some knowledge is gained through shared exploration of children’s literature

Important: Active learning experiences are not “one-shot” deals, just so children will have something to write about. This kind of experience must be ongoing.

Posted in Writing Workshop

Mindy/3rd Draft

I love Mindy.  When I first saw her at the Atlanta Humane Society seven years and some months ago, I did not.  At first glance, she unnerved me out with her unwavering stare into my soul that she gave me from her pen that she shared with a rambunctious German Shepherd.  I passed by her to look at the other puppies, but I kept looking back at her to see if she was still looking.  And of course she was. Again, I looked away and looked back…only to see the lunatic German Shepherd about to mount her.  I immediately ran back to her pen to intervene.  I picked her up in my arms, and I never put her back.

Mindy was not mine.  Not completely, anyway.  He wanted a bigger dog to run with, but he was just a big talker.  He asked me to take her when he realized she was too much to care for.  He eventually gave up on us for the same reason, but that’s for another time.  She certainly knew how to take up space in your life.  Waking up early in the morning to tend to her needs was particularly a struggle for my undergraduate, stay-up-until-4AM self. No couch cushion or trashcan was left un-gutted and no heel was left un-chewed.  She did not feel safe around strangers–humans and dogs alike.  It was quite embarrassing to take her out in public with her barking and baring her teeth.  There were many days where I would sit in front of her crate crying and truly weighing the option of quitting being a dog owner because I was terrible at it.  If she were with another owner, I thought, she would not be such a bad dog.  Then, she would stare at me with those eyes that looked into my soul to tell me that I am all she needs.

Mindy kept me grounded.  She got me out of bed every day, even on the worst of days.  And on the days where I felt I was uncertain of even the ground being solid beneath my foot as I took my next step, she was a constant in my life that I could dependent on.  Her quiet company as she followed me about my home felt reassuring and safe.  She certainly made sure that my priorities were in check, meaning there were probably days when she probably ate better quality food than I did and that was okay.  Ultimately, her presence forced me to also be present and aware of my surroundings in reference to her—a purpose beyond my own well-being.

Mindy learned.  Slowly, but surely, she learned that shoes are not a choice for snack-time. She learned to wait until I woke up in the mornings to get the longer walks.  She learned that the outside world was relatively safe and that not all strangers are a threat.  Food is never left on the counters and the kitchen trashcan is now behind closed cabinet doors, but she also learned that my purses are a good place to start look for forgotten human snacks.

I learned.  I learned that it’s okay that I will never get all of the dog hair off of my clothes.  I learned to look for cues in Mindy’s face and body language to know what she needs.  I learned that she thrives most when I make her feel safe.  I know now more than ever that love is hard work, but through her, I learned that I don’t give up easily on others.

Mindy loves me?  There’s no way of knowing for sure, but I have my suspicions that she does.

Posted in Understanding Writing

What is a parable?

  • a personal story
  • contains a mythological meaning–the myths of ourselves

Characteristics of a parable

  • a story that reveals more than it states
  • a story that makes a particular point or points without expressing them as a specific moral–unlike a fable
  • a story that expresses a point of view, a perspective that is presented by one of the characters in the story

Parables work by analogy

  • a special compare/contrast
  • a beginning for the teaching of expository writing

Parabellein (Greek verb)

  1. to set beside or parallel with (the story of the prodigal son)
  2. to compare one with another (should I keep the money, or should I return the wallet?)
  3. to direct one’s course toward (the Gift of the Magi)

Parables go beyond “personal experience” assignments

  • parables are told with the intention of making a point
  • they thus avoid the dangers of “what I did on my spring break”
Posted in Writing Workshop


“While traveling the path (inward), change begins to take place inside our being and also in our bodies. We begin to see and experience life from a greater vantage point, from a greater depth of meaning, from an inner place of belonging. There is an inner surrendering to the beauty of the Tao or ‘the plan’, divine wisdom, or cosmos. This inner surrender has its counterpart in the relaxing, surrendering, and healing of the body. We have a body we cherish and care for, and yet we are more than our body” (Rosenberg, Body Self and Soul).

Yoga: The Roots of Body Psychotheraphy

Posted in Writing Workshop


The expectation:
To go over and beyond.
Help them reach the stars.

Ask the right questions.
Guide the next generation.
Read between the lines.

The ultimate hope:
That they will be empowered,
That they be our hope.

The reality:
Always running out of time.
Falling through the cracks,
Burn out together.